If I could only spend a day back in the 90s. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m amazed and truly grateful for the technological advancements we’ve achieved in today’s world. But if a time machine existed, I’d go back to the 90s.
Being a 2000s kid, it feels like I missed a grand era. I was reminded all about it recently when I began watching a drama on Netflix called ‘Twenty five twenty one’, and as most of you know by now, it was based in the 90s. From fashion to music, everything about it sounds dreamy. I think I would’ve rocked the classic 90s colored tracksuit perfectly. Everyone seemed happier, kinder, and filled with life. The times have robbed us but that’s what makes the 90s so special. I came across a montage video online of the Class of 1999 and said to myself, “If I could only go back.” But the thought of being in my late 30s now is quite terrifying I’d say.
With that being said, here are 3 reasons why I’d go back to the 90s,
1. An age of dreaming
The 90s had society dreaming about the future. With the evolution of the internet, people dreamt about how they could stay connected to each other even when they were miles away. One of the biggest inventions, the World Wide Web, the first web browser, sparked ideas in the minds of people around the world. There was a sense of unity, and everyone lived to dream. I’m positive we all stumbled across a thought or two that tells us to ‘keep dreaming’ and to always be ‘delusional’. Today’s kids would scroll and move on, but 90s kids would act otherwise.
2. Home to the classics
Can we all agree that the TV industry was booming at the time? From hit shows like the all-time classic ‘Friends’ to the ‘Fresh Prince of Bel Air’, to my favorite sitcom ‘Boy Meets World’, the 90s was home to all classic bangers that are watched to this day. I’ll never forgive the writers for Shawn and Angela not being endgame. Nonetheless, cartoons and tv shows were more hopeful and conveyed real-life changing messages behind them. My mother and sister always raved about how they would enjoy watching TV together and because tv shows, at that time, aired at specific time slots, they would finish all the tasks for the day and impatiently wait for the next episode to air. Back to reality, most cartoons today now lack the fundamental teaching portion that kids need and it’s honestly disappointing.
3. When outdoor activities and family time were a thing
We’re all familiar with the cellphones the 90s kids carried. I honestly thought it looked like a chunky walkie-talkie. My mother keeps her collection of cellphones from that time and what’s funnier is that 30 years later, half of them still work. A cellphone could only make calls and there was barely any texting. Kids would go out and play all day long. Not everyone owned a cellphone, so people called each other using a landline/cable telephone, and soon the new era of ‘wireless’ was introduced. Kids, particularly, never had the technology we have today, so they’d spend their day interacting with each other, riding their bikes and rollerblades, going out on family picnics, and playing sports every day. Parents would have to drag their children back home whereas now parents force their kids to see the sun at least once a week. Everyone is so glued to their screens whether it be gaming or YouTube or even Tiktok. CDC studies conducted show that from 1999 –2000 through 2017 –March 2020, US obesity prevalence increased from 30.5% to 41.9%. And we are to blame.
And let’s be real, things will never be the same. And yes, I’m aware that baggy jeans and wide-leg trousers made a comeback once again, but the world keeps evolving and changing. The times may not seem the nicest right now. But maybe, one day our kids will look at pictures of us today and say, “Wow. Only if I could go back..”. So, I’d say let’s cherish the moment and make the best out of it.
If you made it here, thank you and see you around!